One-On-One Workshops & Directing

Focus on stage craft, show structure, physicality, voice control, and more by award-winning director, Neptune Henriksen.

A chance for newcomers and semi-professionals to broaden their skill set, hone their show ideas, and elevate their stage presence with a queer, neurodivergent, POC director/performer.

With the one-on-one setting, the workshops are tailored to exactly what each individual performer wishes to work on. With warm-ups, exercises, and take-home information, to elevate one’s craft during each session, as well as long-term, as they continue to craft their style, artistic voice, and physicality on stage.

Though Neptune is Naarm (Melbourne) based, they do also offer video chat workshops.

Register your interest^ any time of year to be notified by email when new spots are available.

Neptune also offers their services as a full-time director for comedians and original plays.

Enquire^ any time, to be notified when new spots are available for each festival cycle

^ = Enquiring is not the same as contacting through the contact form.
Register your interest on this page through the form at the bottom.


“Neptune's workshops and shows really made me stop and consider new perspective on popular conversations. It was an incredible experience and the things I learned I will never forget.”

— Brittany, University of Washington Student

“Neptune caters to the individual with energy and understanding for what’s needed. I’ve had fun working with them as they’ve helped me to find creative ways to use my performance strengths.”

— Jon Walpole, Naarm (Melbourne) Comedian

“Neptune is an intuitive, knowledgeable and resolutely professional co-creative, who draws on both their sensitivity to the subject matter to mould a show in keeping with the writer’s vision, and their extensive performing experience to whip the performance into shape.”

— Sian Docksey, UK Comedian

“Getting to watch them perform and then work with them afterwards was such an eye-opening experience, and I won’t ever forget it.”

— CaraLee, University of Washington Student

About Neptune’s Background And Skillset


Neptune (they/it) is a prolific writer, performer, and director, and has been leading workshops since 2018.

Their signature off-the-walls physicality is a direct result of dance, physical theatre, and martial arts training in their childhood and teens. Along with participation in their high school’s Rock Eisteddfod team, and local physical theatre programme Smashed Arts.

Between 2011 and 2018, Neptune wrote, directed, and performed five alternate comedy shows, and three theatre shows. These shows toured around Australia and the UK to critical acclaim and award nominations.

Their workshop and director experience began in 2018, when they lead workshops at the University of Washington (Seattle, USA) and directed Sian Docksey’s comedy show Interdependent Woman.

Since then, it’s worked with Jon Walpole on One Man Performing A Two Man Show, which received critical and audience acclaim. And directed Anna Piper Scott’s show Such An Inspiration which has received eight award nominations, five wins, along with critical and audience adoration.

For 2024, Neptune worked with Naarm-based comedians Ellen Mahoney and Olga Loitsenko for short courses, and Michele da Costa for her second solo comedy Life Alone, which received audience and industry acclaim.


Neptune’s skillset is vast, starting with a background in dance, physical theatre, and gymnastics, Neptune is able to expand a performers physicality, while protecting their body long term.

And with Neptune’s background in theatre, directing, and devising, it’s able to help performers shape ideas into a scene or larger piece.

Finally, with their experience in Storytelling, music, and poetry, they’re able to help in growing a healthier relationship with the voice, and improve breath control, speaking clarity, and reduce pausing, stuttering, and vocal affectations.

See more on Neptune’s RESUME page.


What happens in a workshop?

That’s completely up to the performer! Generally, workshops start with a warm-up (body, voice, mind), Neptune runs a few tailor-made exercises with the performer, checking in for questions, giving examples and reasoning for these exercises. Then a short break, and additional exercises, notes, feedback, and discussion. Finally, ending with a cool down stretch. Neptune will follow-up post-workshop with homework, and copies of the exercises for the performer to fold into their practice. But this can be further tailored to the performer.

How long is a workshop?

Standard length is three hours (3hrs), with a short break in the middle.
If this is too long, arrangements can be made for a different length, and number of workshops, so each performer can get the same amount of focus and care, on a timetable that’s accessible to them.

To further clarify: All performers will receive a total of 6hrs of workshop time if they purchase 2 x workshops; or 12hrs of workshop time it they purchase 4 x workshops. And this time can be shaped for the performer’s abilities.

How will Neptune know what I want to work on?

Before both the performer and Neptune agree to work together, Neptune will hold a free-of-charge, and obligation-free, sixty-minute (60min) phone or video call, in which it’ll ask about the performer’s project (if applicable), their goals, their strengths, and work out if you’ll both work well together.

Then, Neptune will create several exercises just for you, and bring those to the first workshop, and check in with you throughout the workshop, to ensure the approach and exercises are helpful and helping you work toward your goals.

How much do the workshops cost?

For 2023, Workshops are AU$550 for 2 x 3hr workshops, or AU$850 for 4 x 3hr workshops. Payment plans are available.

An initial sixty-minute (60min) phone or video consult is free of charge.

What does Neptune do as a director?

Much like with workshops, this is entirely up to the performer. Neptune can focus on anything from: stagecraft (using the stage, physicality, depth and levels), vocal work (clarity, projection, voice care), scriptwriting (storytelling, characters, structure), or even producing tips and marketing help.

As a director, Neptune’s main focus is encouraging and empowering the performer to step out of their comfort zone and extend their existing skills, at a rate that’s comfortable for the performer.

How much is the director fee?

For 2023, Neptune has two Director fees: Maxi Director (200 hours of Neptune’s time) for a AU$7500 guarantee; or Mini Director (100 hours of Neptune’s time) for a AU$4000 guarantee.

These amounts are payable as either 20% of net* ticket takings for the life of the show, until the guarantee is paid; or as regular monthly instalments (e.g. Mini Director - $200/month for 20 months).

Maxi Director is best suited to performers who are looking to completely overhaul their process, and/or have Neptune take them from idea to closing night of their first run.

Mini Director is best suited to performers who are looking to work on a few key areas and/or have Neptune take them from first draft to opening night.

An initial sixty-minute (60min) phone or video consult is free of charge.

* = “net” is total ticket takings (profits) minus fees associated with production. The specifics will depend on festival and/or venue contracts.

Register Interest

You can register your interest at any time below.

You will receive an email when spots are open, and your application will take priority.